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Frequently asked


  • Are your timeline banners copyrighted? Can I copy them?
    The collection of Timeline Banners represent a lot of study and work. They are copyrighted products. Please use them to educate folks but illicit copying is discouraged.
  • I think you're selling my art!
    When I've had to use other people's art, I've tried to draw from the public domain. If you believe your copyrighted art is being sold in one of my collections or being used for marketing purposes without your permission or compensation, please contact me asap with proof of ownership.
  • I'm offended by your product!
    I'm sorry you're offended. My products were not designed to offend you personally. However, we do not believe (and the Bible does not affirm) that all ideas and religions are equally right or beneficial. My collections represent a pro-Protestant and anti-everything-unbiblical perspective.
  • Are your posters copyrighted? Can I copy them?
    The Torch Bearer Poster Collection is comprised of quotes from Reformers & images of their likeness that are found in the public domain. That said, the Posters are copyrighted as they are and I'd encourage you to purchase them. However, I'm more interested in the Ideas of the Reformation spreading far more than I am interested in making a profit. So, as long as you're using these posters to communicate and persuade people of the merits of the Protestant movement I'm pleased whether or not I've been compensated for my time and product.
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